Saturday, January 28, 2012

Waka Waka! First week in Africa!

Greetings from Suid Afrika! To my millions of loyal readers, I’m sorry for being MIA this past week but we just got Internet, and after about 6 days, I finally have a moment to sit down and write. Mind you, it is 2:45 am, and we just got home from the bar, but I digress. South Africa is most definitely the most amazing place I’ve ever been to. The weather is clear and sunny every single day, the people are kind (not to mention gorgeous), and the food is delicious. Stellenbosch University also probably has one of the most beautiful campuses in the world.
There are 27 AIFS kids here, and all the international students live in the same place (my neighbors are French). During the day we’ve mostly been doing business-like things, such as orientation and IT, but by night, we and the rest of Stellenbosch love to let loose. We’ve been going out almost every night. Before you have a heart attack (Mom), you should know that South Africans do not go out simply to get drunk. They go out to have a beer or two and be with friends, which is exactly how we’ve been playing it. Yes, I had a beer. Yes, I drank the whole thing. Surprised? So am I. 
Today we went to Cape Town, which is about 20-30 minutes outside of Stellenbosch and is the closest big city and the legislative capital of South Africa. Cape Town really is a fantastic place. Of course there are lots of shops and restaurants, but there are also lots of historical buildings and beautiful parks. It is surrounded by mountains and has an almost pristine beach. Seriously, the beach looked like a postcard. In fact, lots of you will probably get a postcard with that beach on it.
I suppose that’s all for now. I don’t want to give too much away about my adventures or you’ll grow bored with me. I’m not sure how often I’ll get to post, but now that orientation is over, I’ll definitely do more than one giant post per week. The others will be shorter, I promise. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go do something with my many sunburns. 
- Ginny

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Adventure is Out There!

In the words of my dear friend Kaitlin and that adorable lil' nugget from Up, adventure is out there! Today  I leave for my 5 month stint in Stellenbosch, South Africa. My bag is packed and my iPod is loaded. Time to hit the road, or sky.

Considering I am a total noob at blogging, hopefully these entries will become more interesting as the weeks progress.

Also, HAY SAM! (who I'm texting as I write this)