Sunday, March 4, 2012

If it's yum-yum, I send it back!

This past weekend, Sam, Meg, Chris, James, Bernice, Halie, Sully, and myself all went to Cape Town for the weekend! Here is a brief rundown of our whereabouts:

-       Finally made it to Cape Town after missing not 1, but 2 trains.
-       Drank more margaritas than I care to admit.
-       Tried to tackle Long Street, got too sleepy.

-       Went to the Old Biscuit Mill!
o   Had way too much delicious food including ice cream, hot dogs, thai noodles, sangria, etc.
o   Befriended lots of dogs
-       Went to the beach at Camps Bay!
o   Tried exploring with Sam, got lost
o   Did a little bit of swimming
o   Did NOT get sunburned!
-       Mama Africa for dinner!
o   Traditional African food, live music, good friends
o   Warthog, ostrich, springbok, and crocodile, oh my!
§  Warthog and springbok were tied for my favorite
-       Tried to tackle Long Street again, got too sleepy

-       Went to a cute lil’ cafĂ© for breakfast
o   They had real iced coffee, so we were all happy campers
-       Missed only 1 train back to Stellenbosch
o   Sam and I resurrected the game of MASH (note: it’s still awesome)
-       Made it home to Stellenbosch
-       Stopped at Trumpet Tree on the way home

All in all, it was a fantastic weekend, and the moral of the story is Cape Town is great, and Cape Town is fun, but Stellenbosch is still number one.

 - G

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