Sunday, March 4, 2012

Token Americans

Since we arrived, Corie and I have been working very hard on our mission to get some South African friends. Well, not only have we succeeded, out of a campus of 25,000 students, we have literally found the greatest group of people to be friends with.
A few weeks ago, we joined Stellenbosch’s Ad-Lib improv society, in efforts to become as funny as we already think we are, and to make equally funny South African friends. And as luck would have it, we’ve been pretty successful! In one of those categories, at least. Last week, Ad-Lib had their first show of the school year, and that night was probably the most fun I’ve had since I got to Stellenbosch. I cannot emphasize enough how great these people are. They have gone out of their way to make us feel welcome and to introduce us to new people. Since Tuesday, we’ve hung out with various groupings of these new friends on a few occasions and each time I get more and more excited that I know them.

Until next time,


P.S. Hi Jaco and Adriana! 

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