Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Garden Route 2012 - It's a Christmas Musical!

You’d think that after 3 months of being here, I’d learn to blog regularly. Apparently not. Nevertheless! Here is yet another for your reading pleasure and/or obligation.

For our fall break (or spring break, depending on which hemisphere you live in) all of us AIFS people took a road trip on South Africa’s beautiful Garden Route! To be honest I’m not really sure how to explain what exactly the Garden Route is, but look it up on Google images, and you’ll understand why it’s such a big deal. Here’s a lil’ rundown of all that we did!

Day 1
-       Leave Academia at 5 am. Woof.
-       After a number of hours on the road, we make it to our first destination. The Cango Caves!
o   It should also be noted that I only threw up twice on the way there! Yipee!
o   The Cango Caves are these absolutely insane underground caves that were discovered in 1780.
o   Being the agile young explorer that I am, I took the adventure tour of the caves! This means that I got to climb around in the dark and wet crevices of the caves. It was super cool.
-       After we left the caves, we went straight to the ostrich farm!
o   First we had a little sit-down session to learn some fun facts about ostriches.
o   Then we got to meet the ostriches! They were super soft, and they even gave us hugs!
-       Our final stop was the backpackers we would be staying at for the next 2 nights. They had puppies running around all over the place, so I was a-ok with our accommodations.

Day 2
-       Kloofing!
o   Kloofing is quite possibly the coolest thing ever. It’s kind of like canyoning, hiking, and swimming all wrapped into one.
o   We put on wetsuits and climbed on some big boulders and floated down some rapids. It was sick.
o   Only downside: We were so cold!
-       Horseback riding!
o   I hadn’t been horseback riding in forever! So much fun! A little scary at first, but I had the best horse ever, so it worked out great.
Day 3
-       First Stop: Knysna!
o   We spent the first part of our day in a small town called Knysna. It was on the waterfront and was too cute. However, they clearly knew that it was frequented by tourists, because it was insanely overpriced! But that didn’t stop me from treating myself to a clock with Nelson’s Mandela’s face on it :) 
-       Knysna Elephant Park
o   After lunch, we visited Knysna Elephant Park. Our visit mainly consisted of us feeding them pineapples and butternut squashes, petting them, and taking tons of pictures. They were so friendly!
-       Antler’s Lodge
o   We stayed at the best backpackers ever! It was so beautiful! And our accommodations were nice n’ fancy! Plus, this place also had 2 dogs frolicking about, so, again, I loved it. There was also a nice big campfire, perfect for AIFS bonding.
Day 4
-       Big Time Bungee
o   First thing in the morning, we drove to a huge bridge just outside the border of the Western Cape, and watched some of our friends bungee jump off one of the highest bungees in the world! Sam and I hung out in a nearby café, documented the festivities and kept our feet planted firmly on the ground.
-       Playing in Plett
o   After the bungee, Sam, Raemy, Miranda and I spent the afternoon in downtown Plett. We had lunch and did some souvenir shopping. Nothing too special, but we enjoyed ourselves quite a bit.
Day 5
-       More playing in Plett
o   We spent the morning in Plett again, but Sam, Meg, Halie, Kelly, Janien, Corie and I went to the beach and played in the Indian Ocean!
o   They keep telling us that the Atlantic coast is much colder than the Indian coast, but we thought it was quite chilly in the Indian Ocean! But we stuck it out and kept swimming! It was the clearest and bluest water I’ve ever swam in. It was amazing.
-       Big Cats / Monkeyland
o   In the afternoon we visited a sanctuary for big cats! We got right up close with some cheetahs and a few other fairly obscure but equally cute and ferocious kitties. We even saw a leopard! But he was very shy.
o   After the big cats we went to Monkeyland! Monkeyland is a big sanctuary for, you guessed it, monkeys! They have tons of different species and they basically just run around you, bein’ cute. They said that sometimes Monkeyland is where they send monkeys after they retire from show biz! So basically I was in the presence of celebrities. Do y'all remember Ross' monkey Marcel from those early 'Friends' episodes? He lived in Monkeyland!
-       Talent Show
o   In the evening, since it was our last night, we decided to do something special and put on a talent show for each other. Chris, James and I put on a little concert for our comrades. I created instruments by filling empty beer bottles and filling them with various amounts of water. I’m so innovative. Sam and I also did the Tina Fey dance for James since it was also his bday. Everyone had great acts and it was super fun to just be silly for a few hours (as if that’s not what I do all the time anyway).

The next morning, it was back to Stellenbosch! By the time we got home, we were completely exhausted, but it was so worth it. We had such a great time!

-       G Dawg

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