Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Real World: Southern Africa Pt. 1

After the semester ended, we had about 3 weeks to do whatever so Chris, Annie, Corie and myself went on a little adventure around Southern Africa!

First stop: The Wild Coast!

We boarded an overnight bus to Mthatha and we were off! This bus was ridiculous. First off it was a double decker, which was awesome. Also, it was about 85 degrees inside. It stayed 85 degrees the entire 14 hours. They also played a lot of Xhosa gospel music. It was great. When we finally got to Mthatha, we took a series of bakkies (weird pick-up trucks) to our little village of Bulungula. There are about 5000 people in Bulungula and it is the most picturesque little town ever. We stayed in a little backpackers and it ruled. It was so cute and there were tons of animals roaming around. Our other friends Maureen and Elyse also met us there! Each day the lodge provided us with some great activities to do within the village. The first day, Annie, Corie, Elyse, Maureen and I did the ‘Women in Power Day!’ We went into the village and sort of shadowed a local woman. She painted our faces from clay rocks, taught us how to balance water on our heads, and showed us how to make mud bricks. It was awesome. We also went canoeing another day. Chris and I decided it was more fun to just drift in our canoe than actually paddle.
Out of all the places we traveled, Bulungula was probably my favorite.

Next Stop: Johannesburg!

-       G

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