Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Side Note

Before I move on to The Real World: Southern Africa Pt 3, it has been brought to my attention that I have forgotten a very important detail about our trip up Table Mountain.

Our dear friend Samantha Montana Francesca Giglio suffered a grave injury. Yep, you guessed it. A dassie bit her. Now you may find yourself asking "How on earth did that happen? Dassies are the most wonderful creature to walk the planet! Sam must have provoked the poor dear." And that is exactly how it went down.

For shame, Sammy, for shame!

Luckily, the dassie and Sam made up and parted on good terms. As for Sam's lil' injury, we got her some Purell and a cold beer and all was well.


  1. Hahahahhaha I'm glad I'm finally getting the recognition I deserve. However, I'd like to argue that the dassie provoked me to provoke it, just by the sheer force of it's utter adorable-ness.
