Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Table Mountain - That Shit Grey

Reasons why going into labor is better than climbing Table Mountain:
-       You have A/C or heating
-       You get to eat ice chips
-       You are in a stationary position
-       You don’t have to wear pants

Reasons why climbing Table Mountain was still super fun:
-       Creating new lyrics to ‘Ni**as in Paris’ so they fit our current circumstances
o   Example: “Fog so thick motherfuckers can’t find me…that shit grey”
o   To clarify, my comrades and I literally chose the worst day to climb this mountain. We had five months to do so, and we chose to do it when you can’t see the view of Cape Town because it’s the dead of winter and the mountain is covered with clouds, a ‘tablecloth’ if you will.
-       We saw lots of dassies, which are quite possibly the cutest and greatest animal to ever walk the planet
-       I was with my favorite people
o   Sam, Chris, Meg, James, Hallie, Shana, David, and Kelly
-       We took way too many snack breaks, which is the only way to climb a mountain as far as I’m concerned.
-       Once we got to the top, it was great! They had a great lil’ café place and we had a nice post-climb lunch.

All in all, I think I would do it again. Just kidding! I’m totally taking the cable car up next time I’m in Cape Town.

-       G


  1. Hahaha I just laughed out loud, especially at the last line. You forgot to mention A DASSIE BIT ME.

    1. Oops! I'll add it now. Also, you're like the only one who comments on this thing.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
