Thursday, February 23, 2012

All he cares about are penguins and 'boons. 'Boons and penguins.

Ok, I realize it’s been a long time since my last post, but that just means that this one is going to be even better! Maybe.
So, 2 weekends ago we took a lil’ day trip to Boulders Beach and Cape Point. Those of you who talked to me at all before I left know how excited I was to go to Boulder’s Beach (that’s where the penguins are!). It did not disappoint. The penguins swam right up next to you and were not phased at all by hoards of excited people posing with them for endless pictures. They were also not very shy about using the restroom wherever they well pleased. After making some penguin friends, it was on to lunch, and off to Cape Point!
To be honest, I’m really sure what exactly Cape Point was. My friend Sam thinks it might be a peninsula? We don’t really know. All we know is that it was absolutely beautiful. Unfortunately, this was when my camera died. But I’ll steal some pics from Sam. Just for you. We walked to the top of a mountain and were able to get some incredible views of the Atlantic Ocean. But the crazy views were not really Cape Point’s most defining characteristic. That, my friends, would the baboons. They have a lot of baboons. If you’re like me, when you think of baboons, you think of Rafiki, the kind and wise baboon from The Lion King. Not so. They are scary little imps. Little imps that steal your food. Seriously. But they were good sports when it came to taking pictures with them. If anything good came out of my ‘boon interactions, it was that I now know that I can make a mean baboon face. When I say mean, I mean both ‘really good,’ and actually ‘mean.’ Directions: Place palm on forehead. Push down.
That’s all for now. Come back in 5 minutes to see what the rest of my blog-a-thon results in.

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