Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Lekker Life

Since school hasn’t started and we haven’t gone on many excursions, I don’t have a lot of stories to tell. I do however, have some fun facts for you. In the words of Marcel the Shell, READ ON!

1.     Shoes? Who needs ‘em?? The phrase ‘no shoes, no service’ means nothing here! In Stellenbosch it’s more like ‘no shoes, no problem!’
2.     Such beautiful people, such an ugly haircut. Not only does the mullet still exist here, it’s fairly popular, even with people our age! We see multiple mullets each day.
3.     Remember those graphic tees with the sassy phrases that everyone wore in the early 2000’s? They are alive and kickin’ in South Africa!  Although it’s only the men that seem to wear them here….
4.     Upon finding out I was coming to South Africa and actually coming here I listened to Paradise and Waka Waka almost everyday, thinking no one in South Africa would want to listen to those songs (since they are about SA). FALSE. We hear these songs at least twice a day. Although no one seems to listen to Africa, by Toto…not yet, at least.
5.     It can be 65 degrees and there be nothing but clouds in the sky, and you can still get a third degree sunburn. Or at least one that certainly feels like it.
6.     “Let’s go to a lekker joll tonight, keen?” We hear this quite often. In fact, we have started saying also. So, don’t be surprised if I ask y’all the same question when I get back. Translation: “Let’s go to a super-duper-cool-awesome party tonight, sound good?”
7.     Coca-Cola Light > Diet Coke

And now, some fun facts about my roomie Corie, and why we are made for each other.

1.     We fell in love via our Pinterest pages. Need I say more?
2.     She is a theatre minor, too!
3.     She loves Diet Coke, ahem, COKE LIGHT, almost as much as I do.
4.     Give us a bottle of white wine, and we’ll knock that bad boy out in 20 minutes. Just the 2 of us.
5.     She speaks in a weird voice and/or a British accent more than she does her regular voice.

That’s all for now! Pictures are coming, I promise! Now go out and have a lekker joll!
- G Dawg

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