Thursday, February 23, 2012

Barf City, Barf Barf City, Bitch!

So, as many of you know, I have been very excited about going shark cage diving for a while now. Sure, I was a little anxious, but whatever! I’m in South Africa! The day finally arrived. I woke up at the crack of dawn (5:30), ate a bland breakfast and tossed two Dramamines down the hatch. The 2 hour drive to the spot was painless, and I was hopeful that the boat ride would be as well. But because I’m Ginny Sanborn, it wasn’t. Not even 20 minutes in, I start getting seasick. Very very seasick. So I did not shark cage dive that weekend. I spent however many hours curled up in a corner of the boat with my little baggies. Luckily, I have been blessed with friends who have strong stomachs who sat with me the entire time.
            I should also mention that before I got sick, I saw 2 insanely massive great white sharks. And on the way back to shore, we saw about 50 little seal pups! So even though I had the most inconvenient ab workout ever, I did get to see some lil’ critters.
            On that note, should you feel the urge to send me a care package (which you should), Dramamine is always needed!

            Until next time,
7 bag Ginny

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