Thursday, February 23, 2012

"We are so cosmopolitain, y'all!"

          One of mine, Corie’s and Sam’s favorite things to do in Stellenbosch is explore. Usually it involves us trying to get somewhere specific and end up getting lost. But we’re not complaining! We have found some of the most amazing little cafes and shops. One of our favorite finds is a tiny bakery called ‘Dipped.’ We went there one afternoon for what we call ‘tea time.’ The waitress simply would not allow us to order cokes. She insisted we try their homemade teas. So we did. And they were delicious. We’ve also found some great little African markets. They are obviously geared toward tourists, but hey! That’s what we are!  I managed to snag a couple gifties for y’all while I was there.
            I almost forgot! Classes started last week! Interesting thing to forget considering those classes are the reason I’m here right now. My classes are absolutely fantastic. I’m taking all Political Science classes except for one, which is focused on HIV & AIDS in South Africa. The others are centered around peace and conflict studies, which is right up my alley. My classes are with only other international students, and they all seem like great people. I’m also in love with my professors. They seem like they’re very excited about working with international students. In addition to my classes, I also volunteer once a week at the local primary school in the nearby Kayamandi township. I work with pre-school age kiddos and I adore them. They speak very limited English, as their native language is isiXhosa (the language with the clicks). They love animals and they love to dance. Pictures should be coming soon.


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